Michelle Celestial
人生的煩惱令我走上學習占星之路,當中我學到了很多…(不單是占星),也發展了自己的一套哲學理論 - 人生是一場奇妙而燦爛的旅程,而每人都有他/她的人生課題,但當中要活出真我,還是集中修練不擅長的地方﹖我們都是有選擇權的…我選擇活出真我,您呢﹖
專業訓練及個人經驗 Professional Training & Personal Experience︰
於星舍完成了2年的專業占星課程。於2017年成立了Divination Laboratory (前身是Celestial Cat),以不同的卜卦工具為人們作出人生成長的選擇。結合不單是占卜工具進行諮詢,會加上多年作為顧問的經驗為你找出不同可行的方案。現為Biddy Tarot 的Certified Biddy Tarot Reader 及完成了STA Practitioner Level Horary Astrology 卜卦課程 。
Completed the 2-year professional astrology course with HK Astrology Club, and setup the Divination Laboratory (formerly known as Celestial Cat) in 2017, with a mission to help people grow using different divination tools. Combining my personal experience as a consultant in the finance field, we can brainstorm together a suitable solution for your problem. I am a Certified Biddy Tarot Reader and completed the STA Practitioner Level Horary Astrology course.
Consultation can be conducted in Cantonese, English or Mandarin.
商品 Products︰
請留意星舍網店和我的IG @divination.laboratory 或本網站的商店頁
Please check out my IG @divination.laboratory or product page of this website.
卜卦占星服務 Horary Astrology︰
占星諮詢服務 Astrology Consultation︰
塔羅諮詢服務 Tarot Reading︰